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  • Writer's pictureLaura Brosnan-James

Women's Wellbeing Success!

On Tuesday 7th March 2023, GAVO organised and held a Women's Wellbeing Event in Risca Library, in partnership with the Integrated Wellbeing Network, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. Caerphilly Cwtsh Community, and Caerphilly Library Service!

We had some amazing feedback, great ideas for the future and lots of helpful information was provided to the people that attended. We had;

* Menopause support and advice provided by qualified menopause specialists

* Advice and support provided by many voluntary and statutory groups

* Free blood pressure checks

* Mindful Terrarium making with Head4Arts

* Free Reflexology sessions

* 'Charting Your Cycle' workshop with Soul Creative Circle

* Traditional Welsh music

Thank you to every organisation and group that came along and gave out some great advice and support!


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