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  • Writer's pictureBethan Warrington

Community Champion Award!

We were thrilled to be invited back to Gateway Church Abergavenny on Sunday evening to attend their annual Carol Service. The evening was filled with carols, stories of hope and readings from members of the church, partner organisations and our very own youth volunteering officer, Chris Irving.

If that wasn't enough, we were also welcomed to the stage by Chris and Lyra Vaz to accept a Community Champion Award for our work in the community. We'd like to thank the Gateway Church for their kindness and hospitality.

Last year, the Gateway team gave over 1,500 Christmas hampers with food and toys to local families, to ensure every child had a Christmas dinner and a gift to open on Christmas day. They also donated a gift filled hamper to every single resident of every care home in Abergavenny.

This year they will be delivering these hampers again, with the aim to make sure every single person in Abergavenny knows they are loved and not alone this Christmas.

If you think you could help, please email, call +44 1873 853126 or pop in for a visit!

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