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Blaenau Gwent

Blaenau Gwent is a place of heritage and dramatic change, with a sense of its past but its eyes firmly on the future. It is relatively small geographically, being at most 15 miles north to south, and 8 miles east to west. It is defined physically by high hillsides dividing the three main valleys. These valleys are home to towns and villages which seem to merge together into one. However, each community proudly maintains its own character and traditions.

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We provide support, advice, guidance and recognition across Blaenau Gwent for all things Volunteering! Becoming a Volunteer allows you to make a difference in your community!

Trash Picking

Community Development

We provide support & advice to the Third Sector in Blaenau Gwent, including Community and Voluntary Groups as well as individuals who are interested in helping and supporting their community. 

Health & Wellbeing

GAVO’s Health, Social Care & Wellbeing Partnership Officers are here to support partnership working between the Third sector and other providers of health, social care and wellbeing services across Blaenau Gwent.

Social Gathering
Sandy Beach

Education Programme for Patients (EPP)

EPP Cymru provides a range of award winning self-management health and well-being courses and workshops for people living with a health condition or for those who care for someone with a health condition.

The Blaenau Gwent Team

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Huw Lewis

Community Development Manager

& Regional Strategic Lead


Blaenau Gwent


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Caragh Porter

Volunteering Officer


Blaenau Gwent


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Sally Morgan

Community Development Officer


Blaenau Gwent


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Keri Jones

Youth Volunteering Officer


Blaenau Gwent


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©Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations 2024

Company Limited by Guarantee: 5590517

Registered Charity Number: 1113558

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