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Helping Hands


We provide support, advice, guidance and recognition across Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Monmouthshire & Newport. 


Get Involved!

Becoming a Volunteer allows you to make a difference in your community!

Why not try out a career path, gain 'hands-on' experience, receive recognition/certificates that can be used as evidence for Job/College/University Applications and give you an up-to-date 'work' reference on your CV, that can ultimately make you stand out from the crowd!

Young Volunteers

We also support young people to volunteer through the University of South Wales & schools through the Welsh Baccalaureate qualification.

Whether you need to gain experience for your CV/College/University application, meet DofE/Welsh Bacc hours, or you’d like to try something new, volunteering could be just what you’re looking for.   


GAVO have dedicated Youth Volunteering Officers who are ready to support you in finding the perfect volunteering opportunity locally. We will work together to find an opportunity that interests you and meets your needs.   


Volunteering is a chance to get involved in a fun, free activity that benefits you, your family, your friends and your community. It can challenge you, your perceptions of other people, your knowledge and skills and can really help you develop in so many ways. It can even be a way to ‘try’ out a field you may want to work in later in life. You can make new friends and volunteering can be great to talk about to your other friends.  


Whatever you do, it will look great on your CV. Your experience will give you that extra something to talk about when you go for interviews. Your volunteering will equip you with valuable skills that any employer will want to see. We also run a recognition scheme which can be used to evidence your hours. 

Checking the news online

What's new in Volunteering?



Registering for the GAVO Volunteer Recognition Certification Scheme is a great way of showing how you have dedicated your time, when applying for College, University and employment and help you stand out from the crowd and become more attractive in this competitive economic climate.


Recognition certificates are a great way of showing off your skills and attributes, in addition to your qualifications. The Scheme is open to both new and existing Volunteers and registering is simple.

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Creative Working
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The Cash 4 U Youth Led Grant scheme supports small projects and activities, which are led by young people, providing volunteering opportunities for the causes they care about within their communities.

Young people are given the power to make decisions on project activity, how they contribute, celebrate & champion their volunteering, and that of others.

Applications are considered, selected and recommended by a local Youth Panel aged 14-25 years, thus ensuring the projects are created and approved by, and directly benefit young people and their communities.

For the latest information on Cash 4 U, Check out the Volunteering News Section.

The Volunteering Team

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Bethan Warrington

Volunteering Officer

& Joint Regional Strategic Lead



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Chris Irving

Youth Volunteering Officer

& Joint Regional Strategic Lead



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Caren White

Volunteering Officer



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Caragh Porter

Volunteering Officer

Blaenau Gwent


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Sam Simms

Volunteering Officer



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Kelly Sullivan

Youth Volunteering Officer




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Keri Jones

Youth Volunteering Officer


Blaenau Gwent


Say Hello

If you are living in Gwent and have a Volunteering query, please feel free to get in touch with the team directly using the contact details above, or by the Team email address below.


Taking Notes
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