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Funding available for Bettws Projects

Updated: 3 days ago

A Red billboard sign displays the following message in pink lettering "Community is Strength, Be strong, Let's look out for one another"

The newly created Caryl & Henry Bettws Fund seeks to support community health and

well-being projects and activities in the parish of Bettws, Newport.

Administered by Community Foundation Wales the fund will prioritise groups and projects that address the following themes:

  • Projects promoting the positive engagement of families and young people.

  • Projects to reduce the isolation of older people, particularly those struggling with the effects of dementia.

  • Community event ideas to celebrate social and cultural development.

Grants are available of up to £2,000 per year may be used for activities, minor capital expenditure, or towards core costs.

Who can apply? -Groups/organisations to apply from the Bettws area, with the aim of funding a minimum of 9 organisations with a grant of £2,000. The following types of group/organisations, with an annual income of up to £500,000, are eligible to apply:

  • Non-registered charitable community groups

  • Not for profit Limited Companies

  • Registered Charities & Charitable Incorporated Organisations

  • Community Interest Companies

  • Social Enterprises National organisations with a branch that works within Bettws (e.g Scouts)

  • Schools and education providers, so long as the funding is for an activity that does not ordinarily fall under the heading of statutory provision.

The fund aims to have a quick turnaround on applications and opens immediately.

Find out more and apply here.

Have an idea for a project you would like to discuss with one of our team? contact one of our relevant local GAVO officers.

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©Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations 2024

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Registered Charity Number: 1113558

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