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Newport Volunteer Fair

Writer's picture: Dan Coast Dan Coast

Updated: Nov 29, 2024

Welcome to this Landing Page for the GAVO Volunteer Fair, this mini site will provide you with all the information you need before, during and after the event on the 20th November 2024.

Have a look at the different sections of this page to help you get the most out of the event and if you are interested in any of the specific roles on offer simply complete this short form to enable us to connect you with the group and the role you are interested in.



Thinking about Volunteering?

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer but are not sure what you would like to do, the range of opportunities can be overwhelming. There are a number of questions you can ask yourself which will help you select the right sort of voluntary opportunity to suit you.

Why do you want to volunteer?

Questions to Ask Yourself 

Things to consider asking or to look for in a volunteering opportunity:

You will now be best equipped to come to the fair and meet some of the local groups who are looking to recruit volunteers to their organisation and chat with them about the work they do and the opportunities that exist.

Scroll down the page further to see who will be attending the fair and a little bit about the work the organisation undertakes.

Who's at the Fair?

Use the drop-down options to see who will be hosting a stand at the event and link to their website for further background reading, you can then complete our short form in order to register your interest in volunteering with any of these groups

Volunteering Services

Health & Social Care

Arts & Culture

Welfare & Rights

Environment & Sustainability

Children & Young People




Come along to the event with your smart phone or a pen and paper to make notes of the opportunities offered by the groups.

Arrive on the day anytime between 10-2pm in order to meet as many groups as you can, the groups will be set up within the main corridor area of the building, members of the GAVO team will be present on the day based at our stand (it will be the first one you see as you enter the building) to help your visit.

Our staff will be easily identified, just look out for our brightly coloured GAVO lanyards.

As you visit the stands keep this page open and with you to refer to the questions and points raised at the top of the form when having your conversations with the groups as you find out more about their work and the opportunities on offer.

You can then complete this short form and we will pass your contact details onto the relevant group to get you set up and started in the role.



You may like to reflect on everything you absorbed from the event and carefully consider your options of where to volunteer.

Our volunteering form will remain open until early January, so you have plenty of time to declare your interest with a group or role.

What if I didn't find the right opportunity for me?

Even if you didn't find the right role on the day our Volunteering team are here to help, Sam & Kelly can help you find the perfect volunteering opportunities through our growing number of groups and organisations here in Newport.

We offer one-to-one appointments for an informal chat about the kinds of things you are interested in, such as being outdoors; working with children; using technology or caring for animals etc.

Kelly Sullivan - Youth Volunteering Officer (12-25 Year olds)

📱- 07908489792

Sam Sims - Volunteering Officer (26+)

📱- 07376023365

Want to look at other volunteering opportunities further afield?

To Register on the Volunteering Wales Website simply Register on the system then search for the opportunities by putting in relevant words such as "Befriending, Foodbanks" etc.

What can I do once I've got a placement?

Registering for our Volunteer Recognition Certification Scheme is a great way of showing how you have dedicated your time.

Registering for the GAVO Volunteer Recognition Certification Scheme is a great way of showing how you have dedicated your time, when applying for College, University and employment and help you stand out from the crowd and become more attractive in this competitive economic climate.

Recognition is certified for 50,100,200 and 500 hours, for those who make an exceptional contribution to volunteering, we have the 1000- 5000 hours certificates signed by the Lord- lieutenant of Gwent.

Recognition certificates are a great way of showing off your skills and attributes, in addition to your qualifications. The Scheme is open to both new and existing Volunteers and registering is simple.

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©Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations 2024

Company Limited by Guarantee: 5590517

Registered Charity Number: 1113558

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