Please keep up to date with the latest funding from GAVO via our Blog
Latest funding news from the WCVA
Please visit WCVA and sign up for their regular newsletters for up-to-date funding news.
Landfill Disposal, Tax Communities scheme, is now accepting applications of grants between £5,000 – £49,999 for projects beginning from October 2023.
The closing date for applications is 10 July 2023 at 23:59.
Community Foundation Wales
Funding Wales - The Go to Place for Funding in Wales created by Third Sector Support Wales
You can search hundreds of grant and loan finance opportunities from local, national and international sources. From small grants to large capital projects we can help you find the funding you need.
Community Facilities Programme
Large Capital and medium-sized capital grants for up to £300,000
How to Write a Successful Application for Funding
How to plan for all the grants you could apply for
The dos and don’ts of writing a successful funding application
Funding opportunities available through DWF Law’s Foundation
Clare Beavan, Foundation and Community Engagement Manager for DWF LLP, a legal and business services firm
Your local BITC representative in Newport is: Simon Walters, Programme Manager
simon.walters@bitc.org.uk | m: 07843350077
News From The Charity Commission
Calling all Caerleon-Based Community Groups
The Caerleon Sunshine Grant is now available for community projects in the Caerleon area.
We are looking for GAVO member representatives
We need a good mix of reps from across the third sector organisation and community groups and for the membership to be as diverse as possible to reflect the Newport third sector.
If you are already a GAVO member, we are inviting interested representatives of Newport-based Third Sector organisations to express an interest in joining our GAVO Newport Local Committee. The committee is a place to air your views regarding the third sector in Newport and help shape policy in GAVO and wider. If you would like to join, please contact info@gavo.org.uk, who manages our central membership list. For a full list of our current members or to join us as a new member, please visit our website for more details. https://www.gavo.org.uk/members
Are you a Member of GAVO? If you would like to join us, please take a moment to look at the GAVO Membership page. Membership is free.
The Welsh Charity Awards 2023 is currently open.
Please can you help us encourage nominations from a diverse range of voluntary organisations and people by sharing with your networks and contacts?
There is a category for ‘Income generator of the year’.
It’s free to take part, and this is a chance to celebrate the life-changing impact of charities, volunteers, and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes in Wales.
Community Projects Inspiration
The 15-Minute City
Regenerating Alleyways
Useful Tools For Funding Applications
Statisticians for Society
Support for your charity (With an under £ 1 million turnover) with statistics.
Contact the RSS team at s4s@rss.org.uk • For more information: www.rss.org.uk/statisticians-for-society * If you have a funding bid that needs support with statistics, this could be very useful for you.
Trustee Learning Programme
UK Shared
Prosperity Fund - Cardiff Capital Region (Includes Newport)
This linked document gives a basic overview of the UK Shared
Prosperity Fund, Gavo and the Third Sector Partnership are contributing our recommendations regarding our views on the Third Sector's needs in Newport regarding this. If you would like your voice heard, please contact Newport Council or us to make your community organisation's voice heard on your priorities for how the funds should be prioritised.