Want to know how to support your child towards university? Parent Power is opening a chapter in Newport this autumn. Working with university partners, Parent Power gives parents and carers the chance to speak with education experts and to create change in Newport to support young people into university.
Through advice and guidance on accessing higher education, and developing skills in community organising, Parent Power empowers parents and carers to make change in their children’s future.
The Parent Power model, originally created by King’s College London and Citizens UK, brings together local parents and carers and facilitates one-to-one and group meetings led by a local Community Organiser.
Since its formation in 2017 by King’s and Citizens UK, South London and Oldham Parent Power chapters have collectively engaged over 350 parents/carers. You can see the impact of Oldham Parent Power here.
The parents themselves decide what activities will benefit their communities and children; Parent Power chapters across the UK have arranged tailored university trips, received training on student finances and secured bursary places at summer schools.
You can hear how Cardiff Parent Power has empowered parents in the community to make change for their young person’s higher education journey, and beyond, here.
To find out more about the Parent Power model and hear from a Community Organiser, read the brochure here.
The Next meeting will take place on the 29th January from 6-8pm at the University of South Wales, Newport Campus).
This is a free meeting with food provided and you can even bring your children along.
Contact Becky on 07849568512 or parentpowernewport@thebrilliantclub.org for more information.