To find out more about any of the schemes click the link in the grants name and complete the short form to receive further details
Closing Date | Grant | Who it's open to | Information |
17/1/25 | All | The scheme will focus on projects that tackle barriers to volunteering, give a positive experience for the volunteer and a long-lasting impact on the community. Funding will be available up to £30,000 per annum, over a maximum of two years. | |
7/2/25 | All | The scheme is now open for applications for main grants of between £5,000 – £49,000 and a ‘nationally significant’ project with a value of between £50,000 – £250,000. The Fund will support any project aligned to one of the following themes Biodiversity, Waste minimisation (Landfill diversion), Environmental enhancements | |
13/2/25 | All | £2000 to transform urban spaces for the benefit of people and wildlife by planting and championing UK native plants or fungi. | |
14/2/25 | Community Groups | £500 - £3000 to improve or transform outdoor community spaces where people can meet and be together, and build pride in their local areas | |
17/2/25 | All | £500- £2000 fund open to all. Fund outcomes:
| |
21/2/25 | all | Naturewatch Foundation’s Pet Rescue Grant supports UK animal rescue charities working with dogs, cats and/or rabbits who have been affected by the illegal pet trade. Grants available from between £1000 - £10,000 depending on status of the group. | |
VCSE = Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector
Check App= Check application form
Char= Charities
CIO= Charitable Incorporated Organisation
CiC = Community Interest Companies
If you would like support in making an application of for more information on any of these grants, please contact our development officer Dan